BridgeTech provides the following on-line applications, which are free to use.

BT Beam is a simple-to-use analysis engine for the analysis of simple and continuous girders using the AASHTO LRFD Specifications. It provides influence lines, computes distributed dead loads, and computes factored loads. Finally, load envelopes are reported. Output is ASCII and a delimited table for importing results into a spreadsheet is provided.

Solutis is an object-oriented framework for carrying out finite element analyses. The software is modular in nature, allowing it to easily accommodate different analysis types, constraint handlers, and solution algorithms. Solutis has the capability to perform non-linear analyses, supporting both material and geometrically non-linear elements, within its library of 2D and 3D elements. The framework is written in standard C++ and can be compiled on various platforms.

The BridgeTech NBI Query Engine is used to query the National Bridge Inventory (NBI) database and provide a list of bridges as well as display their locations on a map. The NBI Query Engine is current with the 2019 NBI bridge database.
Several parameters may be used to query for the list of bridge, which include:
- State
- Material Type
- Structure Length (minimum and maximum)
- Structure Adequacy